The Counselor has the answer on who to draft first overall in the 2017 Fantasy Football Draft. Another great NO Fluff podcast Episode from the Counselor and the Matchmaker. Keeping it exciting all year round!
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Their is a select few players that like to add drama to the mix of things they do, on or off the field. In the episode, the Counselor and the Matchmaker discuss the most dramatic players in the NFL. The NFL DIVA's.
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The Matchmaker takes his out for her birthday dinner and records the podcast from the Restaurant washroom. The Counselor and the Matchmaker are dedicated to Fantasy Football and they will stop at nothing to deliver the latest news and notes. Fantasy Football information with No Fluff! This episode, The Matchmaker gets Joseph's Advice on what he thinks of all the potential trades and moves of some veteran players.
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This is the Way too early 2017 Bounce back player episode. Discussing what 2016 busts will do next year? Will the value of Gurley, Hopkins and Robinson go up next year? The Counselor will let you know on what to do with these players next year.
Keeping the content interesting in the slowest part of the Football Season!
Be sure to follow the Counselor on Instagram.
How will Teams like the Steelers, Patriots and Packers do next year? The Counselor and The Matchmaker lay it out for you. They give you a heads up on what to expect from your Favorite teams next year! Will they go up in Ranking or down? Listen and find out.
Be sure to follow the Counselor on instagram
The Counselor and the Matchmaker recap the Thriller Superbowl this past weekend. Brian the Matchmaker was at the game, and lets us in on his experience. The Counselor let's us know if he thinks Brady is GOAT or not. A fun episode discussing Superbowl 51 and some Fantasy Football Talk.
Be sure to Follow us on Snapchat Josephrobert10
The Counselor has broken down the Superbowl 51 match up. Who wins? Who is stronger at each specific position? We talk Superbowl 51 and let you know the outcome!
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We are reviewing the news stands magazines from 2017 Fantasy Football! We will tell you what some of the top Magazines told you last year and how terribly wrong they were. The Counselor and the Matchmaker do a DEEP dive into these magazines and you'll be surprised at these predictions. Some even calling Luck and Brees busts prior to the season! A must listen to episode!
Be sure to follow up on instagram
The Biggest Questions asked lately are how will the rookies of 2016 do in 2017 in there 2nd year. The Counselor has all the information on where to draft top the top rookies of 2016 NFL season. You will know where to draft studs like Zeke Elliott and Jordan Howard.
Another exciting episode, that is straight to the point with NO FLUFF!
Be sure to follow us on instagram and Facebook at fantasyframez
The NFC and AFC weekend was a wild one! The Counselor Discusses the key takeaways from the weekend and offers his Superbowl Prediction. A fun discussion about the weekend and the hype built around the Superbowl.
Be sure to subscribe to this podcast and Listen year round. This is the ONLY podcast you will need to Dominate Fantasy Football!
Tight Ends must be mentioned. The Counselor and Matchmaker, talk tight ends but also discuss AFC and NFC Championships, to keep this show interesting. This is the way to early Top 10 Fantasy Football Tight end list!
Be sure to Subscribe to this Podcast! This is the ONLY year round Fantasy Football Podcast you will NEED!
This is a WAY TO EARLY 2017 Fantasy Football Qb list episode. This will look different from others lists for sure. They Counselor and The Matchmaker, Lay it all out for you. Also Joseph Robert makes his Superbowl Prediction!
This is the ONLY year round Fantasy Football Podcast you will need!
Be sure to subscribe as we help you dominate your leagues.
Fantasy Football never Ends for the Counselor. This is out WAY TOO EARLY Top 10 Fantasy Football wide receiver list. As per usual style, this list might not look like your typical expert list. We have added a few guys that others may not have added. Again, things will change, but we want to have some fun sharing this list with you.
To dominate your leagues, be sure to check out
Fantasy Football does not end for the Counselor. This is your Never too Early Top 10 2017, Fantasy Football Running back list! The Counselor has put in the time to study the future trends of 2017 and has come up with this list. Be sure to listen year round as we keep you up to date with everything Football and Fantasy Football. This is the ONLY year round Fantasy Football Podcast you will need!
Be sure to subscribe to the podcast! And check out to bring home your favorite team!
They won you your championships and helped you week in and week out! They are our Fantasy Football Studs from 2016. The Counselor and the Matchmaker, review and discuss the top 10 Fantasy Football Players of 2016. We count them down from 10 to 1 and give you a few honorable mentions.
Be sure to subscribe to this podcast as this is the ONLY year round Fantasy Football Podcast you will need!
This is the Episode that covers the top 10 Fantasy Football Busts of 2016. Joseph Robert Took to Social media to get your feedback on which Fantasy players ruined your seasons. This is a top 10 list based on Joseph Robert's research and your input! We count down the guys that had high expectations but let us down big time! This is the ONLY Year Round Fantasy Football Podcast you need!
Be sure to check out and our social media channels for the latest news and notes on everything Fantasy Football!
Week 17 is upon us in Fantasy and reality NFL football. The Counselor and the Matchmaker get you ready for the week and have a fun discussion about current NFL news. They also discuss, who they think will win the Superbowl. This is the only Fantasy Football Podcast you will need YEAR ROUND!
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Fantasy Football Season is coming to and end, and we are just getting started! The Counselor and The Matchmaker discuss some key football information and Recap The Fantasy Football Championship week. They discuss the value this podcast will offer in the future. Joseph and Brian the Matchmaker also discuss some tragic injuries of your favorite players, and the Cleveland Browns WIN!
This is the ONLY year Round Fantasy Football Podcast you will need!
You made it this far! Don't let your Championship Slip away. Joseph and Brian guide you with all the info you need to help you win your championship. Also the latest news and notes. This is the ONLY fANTASY FOOTBALL podcast you will ever need! Year round!
For your Fantasy Football League prize go to
The Counselor and The Matchmaker are discussing Football MVP's. Joseph Robert let's you know who he thinks should be MVP and why. Also discussing the Drama that went on in Fantasy Football this past week. Many topics include, The return of AP. The terrible towel spitting and Zeke Elliott's Celebration.
A great episode with some good laughs! This is the ONLY Fantasy Football Podcast you will NEED!
For Direct advice from Joseph Robert >> go to
It's your Special Saturday Solo Counselling session with Joseph Robert. Discussing the latest news and notes. Answering the most frequently asked questions, and going over the best players to start for Daily Fantasy Football. Straight to the point No Fluff Fantasy Football Advice! This is the only Fantasy Football Podcast you will need!
For direct advice go to>>>>
Jam Packed Episode to help you Prepare for Fantasy Football Playoffs. We also take some calls from you listeners. We get feedback on how you are doing in your leagues and how The Counselor and Matchmaker have helped you this year!
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Brian the Matchmaker gets snowed in, so Joseph Robert Shares some inside information. The Counselor offers information on the BIGGEST sports app ever. Also gives you information on how to join his private Facebook group.
For direct advice from Joseph Robert. Go to
Go download the app firefan, enter access code "thesuperstar" for free tokens and join our league in the app called "fantasy players unite"
Joseph Robert Shares some tips to help you win at Fantasy Football Playoffs. Offering you last min news and notes and key injury reports. This is your last life line episode before your first week of Fantasy Football playoffs. This is the ONLY Fantasy Football podcast you will need!
For direct advice from Joseph Robert >>Go to
This episode will get you prepared for your Fantasy Football Playoffs. We also discuss the latest news and notes and some interesting facts on some Fantasy Football Studs. This is the ONLY Fantasy Football Podcast you need!
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